ICON THE MIC KING: „My next album is hip hop on steroids.“

What do you like most about the Czech republic?

Well to be honest I gotta say my experiences in the Czech Republic have been pretty sheltered in that I’ve only really experienced the people on the trip from either the train station or the airport to the venue I was performing at. With that said I love the people I’ve met in the Czech Republic! I love how it looks! The whole country looks like stark painting to me. At night the Prague looks very "film noir" and although I’ve spent maybe 13 hours there, I’ve had dreams about it since. So I love how the city feels and the people that are in it and I look forward to the opportunity of getting to know it all better. Also it is the home of the best hiphop event I’ve ever been apart of, HipHopKemp!


Have you heard any Czech rap groups?

I’ve only really heard DJ Trusty’s homies "Inside Kru" I haven’t really heard anything recorded but they did their thing when I saw them rock live, I’d definitely be interested in checking out more of what the Czech hiphop scene has to offer. Any emcees out there feel free to holler at me on myspace, I’d love to hear what you’re doing.


What can we expect from your live show at Bordo?

Energy, fun, and an overall memorable experience!!! I’ve got some new material I’m excited about that I’m debuting on this tour so I hope everyone likes it! We’re all growing together here and I’m just trying to get down and dirty with the people and have a whole lot of fun doing this hiphop music that I love. I’m just a lucky fan man, I just happen to rap very good so it’s just gonna be a fun time where I get to share what I’m doing with y’all!


You said that the third hip hop renaissance was going to happen next year led by you, Yarah Bravo, Pharoahe Monch and others. But Monch sold only 12 000 copies in the first week and even you were not happy with sales of Mike And The Fatman.

This year is a preparation year, this is the year all these leaders of the 3rd Renaissance are laying the foundation for what will begin in 2008. The success of Kanye West, Common, and Talib Kweli have all been pivotal in this year in that they are causing a paradigm shift and the labels are starting to realize they don’t have to stick with one type of hiphop to sell, especially in this tumultuous sales climate. Pharoahe Monch’s record is a slow-burner, in a lot of ways he was a new artist as he hadn’t dropped a release in 8 years. His critical acclaim and his influence is his current addition to the upcoming Renaissance. He will keep touring and his sales will continue to increase and then the next go round he can continue capitalize and make more effective strides to leading us forward. I don’t count "Mike and the Fatman" as a contribution to this renaissance. If anything it was learning experience that taught me that I must take more action amongst the people if I’m going to meet my goals. Everything is very much on course.


What are you working on right now?

Right now I’m working on two projects simultaneously. One is "The Season of Our Discontent" produced solely by Blastah Beatz from Portugal. It’s my first testament toward the Renaissance and it’s shaping up to be the best hiphop I have recorded to date. I’ll be rocking some of the tracks from there in my set. Also I’m working on an electronic record with my homey Animals On Wheels out of the UK! And let me tell you I’ve been having so much fun and trying no things and it is some of the best music I have made to date. Don’t get the term "electronic" throw you off, I’m not making techno, it’s really hiphop on steroids. I’m playing with different flows, time signatures, crazy arrangements. We’re making music!! I’m so excited about it, Andy (Animals on Wheels) and I are surprised with how much fun we’re having and how well the songs are coming out. We’re going to release the record as group called "Robots with Hearts." If everything keeps heading in the direction it’s heading I imagine we will end up with an amazing piece of art. Other than that I’m getting beats together for "Rent Money Music 3: Bucks for the Budget" and I’m building with producers for my debut solo album "self sent erred." Also I’m guest appearing all over the place. Now is the time to get at me if you want to cop a verse!!! I’m in my zone!!!


Your opinion on 50 vs. Kanye?

Like I said in the previous question, Kanye’s sales victory is good in moving forward with the Renaissance and overall bringing balance back into hiphop because the labels are seeing that they can stop outside the thug rap formulas and sell records so it creates opportunities for the legitimacy rappers who are going more left of the norm. However at the same time if you couple this with the shock marketing that’s going along with Nas’s records you start to see a pattern where the archetypes the industry is built upon is starting to eat itself alive. Every successful album has to come with incredible sensationalism to maintain interest. In other words Kanye vs 50 did to counterbalance the industry and bring it’s glaring flaws to light.


What are you listening to these days?

Mostly beats man, I’m trying to really buckle down and focus on what I’m doing and have a large amount of output this year. Beats from Blastah, tracks from Animals on Wheels, beats from my dude Odin Smith, and I even got a beat from Ayatollah for Awar’s new album. Other than that it’s still Monch, Ghost, new Yarah stuff, new Awar stuff, and my r&b. I left my Ipod in CZ so maybe once I get that back it might change. I’m just trying to stay focused man! Hope to see y’all the show! Thanks for the interview!


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