GUILTY SIMPSON – The game is in need of a Dilla beat!

"Too live for TV, too real for radio, they hate the joint but they will play it though". This Guilty Simpsons´ verse from Black Milk´s single Sound of the Alarm tells you what you can expect when he is on the mic. First appeared on Jaylib´s Champion Sound and now waiting for his album drop Guilty Simpson represents the true essence of hip hop. Don´t be confused, Guilty ain´t guilty of anything expect for making dope records.

Your first official verse appeared in the "Strapped" joint on the Jaylib album. Did you already know back then that the album would become a classic?

Yes, I felt it was going to be classic! How could you go wrong with madlib and dilla?

Since then, it took you 5 years to release your debut album. Why did you wait so long with the release?
Well I wasn’t signed when I recorded that so I was being patient and getting better as an artist. That was my intro to the world.

The album has already leaked to the internet. What do you think about the fact that most albums can be downloaded before the official release?

I think it´s bad because people abuse it. I don’t have a problem with someone hearing my album early. Just as long as they buy it if they like it!

You have probably the best today’s underground producers on your album Ode To The Ghetto. Are there some other producers that you would like to work with in the future?

Yes, Pete Rock, Preemo, Dre, El-P. I could go on for days!

The most beats came from Madlib and you guys have a good chemistry. Have you ever thought about forming a project together?
Yes, we are talking about that now infact.

How did you link up with DJ Babu?
I met him out west and I went by his lab and vibed to beats. Was in L.A. recording my album.

Phat Kat said that Detroit belongs to the cities which don’t support their own rappers and that he gets more love in other cities. Is that also true in your case?

Yes it´s true. The city is divided between sounds. We have to find our true identity.

How much has the hip-hop scene changed since J Dilla passed away?
Drastically. The game is in need of a Dilla beat batch!

How’s the recording of the Random Acts project going?
Excellent! We are great.

How important is the fact that you and Black Milk are from Detroit and Sean Price from NYC?
I don’t think its important at all!

Does he (Sean) record his parts in a separate studio or are you all recording together?
Some we did together, some he did in NY.

If you could get a free beat from Timbaland, Scott Storch or Swizz Beatz, who would you choose?


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