KIRBY DOMINANT: „I am still growing as a muscian.“

I read that still as a youngster you sold dope, got shot and was locked up. Is it all true?

Yes. The shooting was a mishap, though.

After a few years you hooked up with King Koncepts and we can find 2 new songs on Alwayz Poppin. Why has it taken so long for you two to get together?

Well, those songs are actually from years ago when we were working together so it’s not new. But that’s still my guy. He owns a record store in NYC called Good Records.


Kevin Riley also made some tracks on Alwayz Poppin. When can we expect his album?

I don’t know. Most of his album is in demo form, but it’s on him when he decides to finish it. But it’s sounding pretty good.

What´s up with the Idiom Creek album?

Well, idiom creek is half of the group Assistant Green in which I am the other half. He produces and I do vocals. Our album "Between the Real and the Unreal" should be out this year. It’s dope stuff.


You´re a real MC to me. You can choose a good beat and your lyrics are sometimes funny, sometimes serious but still on point. Why do you think you haven´t been accepted by the masses?

I just think that takes time. I’m doing it one person at a time it seems, but I feel that I am still get more fans by the day. I’m patient and I am still growing as a muscian, so it’s all good for know if people are not up on me yet.


If you were to rule Hot97 for one day, which rappers would you ban and what would be the first 3 tracks you would play?

I don’t know who I would ban because I don’t know the people who are makin music for the radio. But that shit is so funny knowadays it’s ridiculous. It’s hilarious all the stupid shit they make songs about today. I’m humored by it, but it really hurts the kids growin up today.


In your opinion, what are the problems of today´s hip hop?

From what I’ve witnessed from today’s hip hopers fans and artists is that they don’t have a thirst to know the history of the music. When I was a young fan i loved all of it. I wanted to know where the samples came from and all that shit. These kids today don’t even know who KRS-One is, and don’t care! It’s a trip. So know in a way I feel that hip hop has become a cycle of ignorance because alot of the rappers have know clue therefore the fans don’t learn.


Word association. I´m going to give you a name and you will say the fist first thing that pops onto your mind.

Moka Only. 
Chris Sinister.
Hungry for vengence
H-U-S-T-L-E. (hustler).
Kool Keith.
Genius innovator veteran.
Jay Dee.

You´re from San Francisco. What is the hip hop scene out there like?

I’m actually from Oakland but it just across the bridge. But anyways, it’s cool there are new kids doin their thang. But someone can still come and blow it out the water. Maybe me!


You are known for never taking a break. What are you working on now? 

I’m working on a few things. I am finish up an album I did with my girl Afua Sewwa. Our group is called The Insults so look for that. We both sing and I rap and produce on it. And then you got my rock group The Blood Tuxedos and I have another solo album that’s halfway done.


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